pátek 25. února 2011

Adopt a salmon!

Do you like salmon? Don't just eat the delicious salmon fillets, adopt a little salmon baby and support salmon population in Czech rivers! You can find more info about the project here.

čtvrtek 17. února 2011

Some film tips for you...

Today I would like to introduce you some interesting movies I have recently seen. Do you know them?

Zítra se bude... (Tomorrow There Will Be...)
An opera about Dr Milada Horáková’s trial. 
Have you ever seen an opera made into a film? An opera using authentic texts? Texts quoted from a trial? Before watching this film I did not and first of all I have to appreciate the originality of this idea. The whole film touched me so deeply but some moments surpass the others, like reading Milada’s last letter for her family, or the scene when she is holding her neck... Or the opening (and also closing) song Oděvy levné (Cheap clothes) with the lyrics by Jan Vodňanský, it’s just impressive! I hope I’ll manage to gain the song somwhere...  

“I am humble and resigned to God’s will. He determined this test for me and I am undertaking it with a single wish – to fulfill God’s laws and retain my pure human name. Don’t cry! Don’t languish! It is better this way than to slowly die. My heart could no longer endure a long lack of freedom.”

Panique au village (A Town Called Panic)
One of the craziest movies I have seen! Well, what can you expect from a movie where the main heroes are: a horse, cowboy and Indian… Barbecue as a birthday present for a horse is not always the best idea. :-)

Sommersturm (Summer Storm) 
A German comedy about two rowing teams preparing for a regatta. One of the team is called Queerschlag (Queerstrokes)… A boy from the other team falls  in love with his best friend… Movies full of handsome boys kissing each other is what I really enjoy. :-D I just wonder why my boyfriend doesn’t  want to watch them with me. :-/


úterý 15. února 2011

Konzumace tohoto blogu je na vlastní nebezpečí!

Kulčiba dávivá roste v asijských tropech i v Africe. Její plody (ale i kůra a listy) obsahují strychnin a brucin. Tyto alkaloidy mají toxické účinky. Tak si dejte pozor na to, co vyplodím.

Průběh otravy je následující:  Nejprve se vám zbystří smysly, následuje pocit smrtelné úzkosti. Začnete se třást, nebudete moci dýchat! Silnější jedinci vydrží záchvatů více. Kolik jich snesete vy?